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Electronic Dab Nails

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Electronic Dab Nails

What does an e nail do?

An email is a electronic device used to consume quality concentrates. E Nails replace the open flame of a torch that would normally be used to heat your nail. E Nails are typically attached directly to a dab nail and heat up the nail.

How much does an e nail cost?

E-Nails can range from $40-200+. A high end E Nail like the Huni Badger will $180. If you are looking for a more budget friendly one, Yocan has been coming to the market with some very budget friendly E Nails.

How Do You Use An eNail?

Using an Enail is very easy. Every device will vary somewhat however these steps will be relatively standard.

  1. Attach the heating coil cable to the temp control box
  2. Attach the heating coil to your nail while it is attached to your dab rig.
  3. Turn on the device and set your preferred temp
  4. Once the temp is reached, dab away!